Bradley Smoked Chicken Drumsticks
8 TO 10 pounds of chicken drumsticks from Costco costing $20 bucks
1 can of coconut milk
¾ cup of sugar
¾ cup of salt
Tablespoon of baking soda (optional, does make the skin a little crispy)
3 quarts of water.
Whatever chicken pieces you like.
Seasoning of your choice
Put the coconut milk, sugar, salt, and water in a blender and blend it together. Put the chicken in a Tupperware container big enough to add the brine mixture. Add more water if you need to get all the chicken submerged. Place in the fridge for 48 hours. Remove, rinse the chicken and allow to dry. Place the chicken in a zip lock with chicken seasoning and lightly coat the chicken by shaking the chicken and seasoning together. Then place the chicken on racks and smoke/cook at 225F for 3 hours or get the internal temperature to around 160F. Its now ready to be served.

Specially created to add a distinct flavor to any dish, and pairs well with poultry, fish, seafood, beef, pork, lamb, game, and water fowl.
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